LCD monitor
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Tema: LCD monitor

  1. #1

    LCD monitor

    Problem sam vec greskom izneo na temi "Koji monitor posedujete?", ali ponovicu pitanje i ovde.
    Planiram da svoj stari CRT Samsung zamenim LCD monitorom. Naravno, tu je problem. Procitao sam na desetine clanaka u magazinima, obisao par prodavnica, pogledao isto toliko site-ova, ali od svega toga sam samo zbunjeniji.
    Da li vredi da platim vise za monitor renomiranog proizvodjaca (Dell, Sony, Philips,...), ili da se priklonim (iz ekonomskih razloga) jeftinijem taboru (Belinea, Adi, BenQ,...)?
    Da li su ekonomski razlozi i zdravorazumski?

    (U, covece! Ovo pocinje da lici na filozofiju. . Bolje da bezim odavde)

    Salu na stranu. Ako se neko razume u ovu problematiku, ... Molim za savet.
    Go on, make my day

  2. #2

    Odgovor: LCD monitor

    Inace LCD (TFT) monitori su jako kvarljivi, jako cesto se desavaju mrtvi pixeli i slicne gluposti, tako da po mom misljenju bi ti bilo pametnije da uzmes nesto brandirano. Mada neznam zasto si Belinea stavio u drugorazredne, kad su to jedni od kvalitetnijih monitora. Mada kod nas nisu nesto zastupljeni.

    Neznam koji je razlog kupovine istog, ali zasto kupujes TFT?


    samo jedna stvar je jako bitna da se zna kod ovih monitora. Tacnije LCD ili TFT monitori imaju 8 bitnu grafiku ... sta to znaci ... to je broj boja koji imas na TV-u. Naravno mnogo bolje prikazuje, ali ovi monitori imaju generisanje u 10 bita. To je kao one nokie sto ih prodaju sa 65000 boja. Dok CRT monitori mogu da izvuku 32bita (ne svi neki su i 24), ali sve u svemu to ti je 4.294.967.296 boja. Sto je mnogoooooooo nijansi.

    Inace to se najbolje primeti na prelazime iz jedne (tamne) boje u drugu (svetlu boju, tako sto ces videti pruge koje u sustini nemogu u potpunosti da prikazu realnu sliku. Mislim da su TFT monitori precenjeni i da treba sacekati jos par godina da se ova tehnologija razvije. Tacnije da pojeftine oni monitori koji mogu da izvuku 32 pa cak i 48 bita.

    Sve u svemu, moj odgovor je kupi MARKU ako vec kupujes, pogotovo kod ovakvih stvari. Ipak se monitor kupuje jednom u par godina. I treba da traje i da trosis oci na njemu.

  3. #3

    Odgovor: LCD monitor

    Evo još jedan veoma koristan link, koji može pomoći pri izboru računara, opreme...

    (ovo je prikaz monitora po kriterijumu cene iz opsega 150 - 300 EUR)

    "Ne pada sneg da pomori svet, već da svaka zverka ostavi svoj trag."
    (Beli je svakako naj.... )

  4. #4

    Odgovor: LCD monitor

    Nemam bas mnogo pojma o cemu se ovde prica,
    al ja imam LCD (philips) monitor-godinu dana i za sad mu nista ne fali...
    a i lepsi je od onih drugih(koji ne znam kak se zovu)

  5. #5

    Odgovor: LCD monitor

    Ja imam Sony SDMS205F widescreen 20" (51cm)
    Ovde su malo poskupi - AU$1300,al' moj savetnik
    mi kaze da je to isplativa investicija.
    nomen est omen

  6. #6

    Odgovor: LCD monitor

    Naravno Audi... odličan monitor... većini nas još uvek nedostižan...

    "Ne pada sneg da pomori svet, već da svaka zverka ostavi svoj trag."
    (Beli je svakako naj.... )

  7. #7

    Odgovor: LCD monitor

    Citat DarkRed kaže: Pogledaj poruku
    Naravno Audi... odličan monitor... većini nas još uvek nedostižan...
    Ja bas nemam neko iskustvo u tom,al' zato
    imam savetnika,a cena me ne brine,jer ulozeno
    ce biti vraceno kroz taksu.
    nomen est omen

  8. #8

    Odgovor: LCD monitor

    Citat A6quattro kaže: Pogledaj poruku
    Ja imam Sony SDMS205F widescreen 20" (51cm)
    Ovde su malo poskupi - AU$1300,al' moj savetnik
    mi kaze da je to isplativa investicija.
    Uh... mi jos uvek sanjamo ovakve monitore.

  9. #9

    Odgovor: LCD monitor

    Pre neki dan u gradu vidim TFT monitor 19'' za nešto manje od 18 000 din

    Sad marka koja je ne mogu se setiti, ali mis'im stvarno
    Pita se gde sam bio tako dugo odsutan, reći ću ti, bio sam u ve-ce-u

  10. #10

    Odgovor: LCD monitor

    Citat sladoledzija kaže: Pogledaj poruku
    Pre neki dan u gradu vidim TFT monitor 19'' za nešto manje od 18 000 din

    Sad marka koja je ne mogu se setiti, ali mis'im stvarno
    Ja sam isto to videla a marka čini mi se da je Belinea...

  11. #11

    Odgovor: LCD monitor

    Ja ti mogu predložiti ono što ja želim da kupim i prilično sam siguran da nisam pogrešio sa izborom. Jeste da košta, ali vredi.

    The Samsung SyncMaster 740BF is a 17-inch analog and digital TFT-LCD delivering a 700:1 contrast ratio, 300cd/m brightness, 1280 x 1024 resolution, 160/160 viewing angle and scanning frequency of 30-81 kHz horizontal and 56-75 Hz vertical with a super ultra-fast response time of 2ms (G to G). It features MagicTune, MagicBright II, MagicColor and MagicZone technologies.
    A ako imaš viška para, onda 940BF.

    The Samsung SyncMaster 940BF is a 19-inch analog and digital TFT-LCD delivering a response time of 2ms (G to G), 700:1 contrast ratio, 300cd/m2 brightness, 1280 x 1024 resolution, 160/160 degree viewing angle and scanning frequency of 30-81 kHz horizontal and 56-75 Hz vertical. It features MagicTune, MagicBright II, MagicColor and MagicZone.
    Neki ljudi samo zinu, pa zagade okolinu...

    Nisam paranoičan, ali to ne znači da me neko ne progoni!

  12. #12

    Odgovor: LCD monitor

    Ne znam koliki ti je budzet niti koliki monitor hoces, ali recimo ako hoces neki od samsungovih 19" modela a da ne iskesiras puno parica onda toplo preporucujem

    SAMSUNG 940N Black 19" 8ms LCD Monitor ili

    SAMSUNG 941BW Black 19" 4 ms (GTG) DVI Widescreen LCD Monitor

    Oba se mogu naci ispod $200, barem ovdje u USA. Nemam pojma koliko se krecu njihove cijene na drugim trzistima.
    BTW oba mogu da prikazu 16.2 miliona boja, tako da tu ne vidim problem. Posijedujem prvi od ova dva i za sada nema "mrtvih pixela" niti bilo kakvih drugih problema (valjda ih i ne bude).
    Crvenu maramu nosiću ja i plavu kapicu, tralalala
    Crvena zvjezdica na kapi sja, o vratu marama, tralalala

  13. #13

    Odgovor: LCD monitor

    Color Depth

    The color range of a computer is defined by the term color depth. This means the total number of colors that the computer and display, in tandem, can display to the user. The most common color depths that users will see when dealing with a PCs are 8-bit (256 colors), 16-bit (65,536 colors) and 24-bit (16.7 million colors). True color (or 24-bit color) is the most frequently used mode now as computers have attained sufficient levels to easily work at this color depth. Some professional use a 32-bit color depth, but this is mainly used as a means to pad the color to get more defined tones when rendered down to the 24-bit level.

    Speed Versus Color

    LCD monitors have encountered a bit of a problem when it comes to dealing with color and speed. Color on an LCD is comprised of three layers of colored dots that make up the final pixel.
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    To display a given color, current must be applied to each color layer to give the desired intensity that generates the final color. The problem is that to get the colors, the current must move the crystals on and off to the desired intensity levels. This transition from the on to off state is called the response time. For most screens this was rated around 25ms.

    The problem is that many LCD monitors are used to watch video or motion on the screen. With this 25ms time frame for transition from on to on states, pixels that should have transitioned to the new color levels trail the signal and result in an effect know as motion blurring. This isn't a problem if the monitor is being used with applications such as productivity software, but with video and motion it can be jarring.

    Since consumers were demanding faster screens, something needed to be done to improve response times. To facilitate this, many manufacturers turned to reducing the number of levels each color pixel render. This reduction in the number of intensity levels allows the response times to drop but has the drawback of reducing the overall number of colors that can be rendered.

    8-Bit vs. 6-Bit

    Now color depth was previous referred to by the total number of colors that the screen can render, but when referring to LCD panels the number of levels that each color can render is used instead. This can make things difficult to understand, but to demonstrate, we will look at the mathematics of it. For example, 24-bit or true color is comprised of three colors each with 8-bits of color. Mathematically, this is represented as:

    * 2^8 x 2^8 x 2^8 = 256 x 256 x 256 = 16,777,216

    High-speed LCD monitors typically reduce the number of bits for each color to 6 instead of the standard 8. This 6-bit color will generate far fewer colors than 8-bit as we see when we do the math:

    * 2^6 x 2^6 x 2^6 = 64 x 64 x 64 = 262,144

    This is far fewer than the true color display such that it would be noticeable to the human eye. To get around this problem, the manufacturers employ a technique referred to as dithering. This is an effect where nearby pixels use slightly varying shades or color that trick the human eye into perceiving the desired color even though it isn't truly that color. A color newspaper photo is a good way to see this effect in practice. (In print the effect is called half-tones.) By using this technique, the manufacturers claim to achieve a color depth close to that of the true color displays.

    How to Tell if an LCD is 8-Bit or 6-Bit

    This is the biggest problem for individuals who are looking at purchasing an LCD monitor. Most manufacturers do not list the color depth of their display. Even fewer will list the actual per-color depth. If the manufacturer lists the color as 16.7 million colors, it should be assumed that the display is 8-bit per-color. If the colors are listed as being 16.2 million or 16 million, consumers should assume that it uses a 6-bit per-color depth. If no color depths is listed, it should be assumed that monitors of 12ms or faster will be 6-bit and the 20ms and slower panels are 8-bit.

    Does it Really Matter?

    This is very subjective to the actual user and what the computer is used for. The amount of color really matters to those that do professional work on graphics. For these people, the amount of color that is displayed on the screen is very important. The average consumer is not going to really need this level of color representation by their monitor. As a result, it probably doesn't matter. People using their displays for video games or watching video will likely not care about the number of colors rendered by the LCD but by the speed at which it can be displayed. As a result, it is best to determine your needs and base your purchase on those criteria.
    Mrzelo me da prevodim, ali ovde svako moze da skonta o cemu se radi kod LCD monitora.

  14. #14

    Odgovor: LCD monitor

    Prevashodno me zanimaju iskustva onih koji imaju LCD monitore, ali hvala i onima koji su se potrudili da objasne sta je sta. Doduse, to sam vec i sam procitao, ali ne skodi.
    Resio sam da kupim LCD monitor zato sto zauzima manje mesta od CRT-a, ne zraci, a samim tim, racunam, da cuva i oci. Naravno ne treba smetnuti sa uma i da lepse izgleda, bla, bla, bla,... (da ne duzim)
    Kupio bih monitor od 17" ili 19", budzet kojim raspolazem je nekih 20.000 dinara (hiiljadu, dve gore-dole), ili oko 250 evra.
    Ako neko ima ovakav monitor, neka slobodno podeli svoja iskustva samnom, necu mu nista .
    Go on, make my day

  15. #15

    Odgovor: LCD monitor

    evo ti link
    tu imas preko 140 review-ova za Samsung 941BW. Usput mozes da vidis kako izgleda, cijenu, specifikacije itd...
    Crvenu maramu nosiću ja i plavu kapicu, tralalala
    Crvena zvjezdica na kapi sja, o vratu marama, tralalala

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